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quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012

Cinco sinais de que seu quinto chakra está fraco

“There is a town where the soul is fed, where love hears truth and thrives, and another town that produces lies that degrade and starve love.  Your voice is a small market set between the two towns.” – Rumi

The Fifth Chakra
The Fifth Chakra is the Throat Chakra.It is located right in the center of your throat. It deals with issues of honesty, integrity, truth, expression and communication and is weakened by all forms of lies, especially the ones we tell ourselves. Physically, it supports your neck, jaw, teeth, gums, mouth, lower sinus, throat and thyroid gland.

Five Signs Your Fifth Chakra is Weak
1. You are often afraid to speak up and stifle your opinions around others because you don’t think others will find your thoughts interesting or sophisticated enough.
2. You often avoid facing the truth or find the truth to be too painful to deal with effectively so you keep yourself distracted.
3. You often stop yourself from asking for what you want or for asking for help. You assume a “no” in order to avoid the possibility of asking and being rejected by others. You see a “no” from others as a rejection of you. This often shows up in a fear and loathing of selling.
4. You try to impress others and feel like you are rarely authentic in your expressions.
5. You experience any of the following physical symptoms on a frequent or chronic basis: sore throats, swollen glands in the neck/jaw, TMJ, sinus problems, thyroid disorders, disorders of the throat, mouth, teeth or gums.

Five Things You Can Do To Strengthen Your Fifth Chakra
1. Reflection
Reflect on the distinction between apparent truth and essential truth. Apparent truth is what appears to be true to the personality. There is often plenty of evidence you can use to support what appears to be true. Essential truth is a deep truth that is only visible when looking through the eyes of the Soul.
It is seeing others as currently a very limited version of themselves, and not at all a reflection of who they really are.  It is seeing the same is true for you. When we can see from this perspective, it becomes natural to speak words of reassurance and encouragement, reminding others and ourselves of the essential truth that runs deeper than any apparent truths to the contrary. Speak words of reassurance to others and to yourself as often as you can. When we speak words of reassurance, we speak truth; we speak with the tongue of angels.
2. Redefinition
Upgrade your understanding of what it means to be authentic. We often believe that being authentic means to behave and say whatever comes to mind without questioning or challenging it. This is really just being reactive and allowing our habitual ways of acting and speaking to control us and keep us stuck in our comfort zone. The word authentic comes from the same root as the word author.
To be truly authentic is to become the author of your experience of life and to authorize yourself to move beyond your comfort zone. Your personality is not who you are- not even close. It is only one small version of who you are. Don’t think that you are a certain way and can’t change that because it’s the nature of your personality to be that way. Be authentic to your soul, not to your personality. This will require being uncomfortable as you go beyond where your personality is comfortable. Complete this sentence stem with as many phrases as you can; “I authorize myself to…”
3. Sound Vibration
Intone the “ee” vowel sound using the word “thee” and feel the vibration in your throat chakra as you hold out the “ee” sound. Imagine a bright blue light radiating from your throat chakra and sending healing and balancing energy to your neck, jaw, mouth, and thyroid gland. The word thee also has meaning related to the throat chakra. Think of speaking to the higher Self in you and in others whenever you speak.
4. Chakra Breath
Do the “Chin to Chest breath.” As you breathe in, lower your chin and raise your chest out until you chin touches your chest. Hold the breath in for a few counts while you hold your chin to your chest. Exhale as you lower your chest and raise your chin. Repeat for as many cycles as you want.


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